Excerpt from Ch. 6. Last Night on Mars: The Second Edition

“Time…to do what?”

“Not to be rude, mister but I think that’s enough small talk for now. In the box next to you is your new I.D. and disguise.  We’re usually aware of all of the roadblocks that are set up in response to the demonstrations.  There’s a good chance that we might run into one.  Just in case, put it on now along with the jacket,”

Inside the parcel was a thin, pellucid mask as well as an I.D. smart card.  The I.D. he understood, but what kind of mask is see through?


“Yes, I guess that you’re wondering why I gave you a transparent mask.  Don’t worry, we’ll teach you a few things,” she said with a smile on her face.

The mask combines the latest in nano-chemistry, physics and biology.  Put it on please.”

“What will it do to my face…will it hurt?”

Uwimana laughed good naturedly. “Haha, I think that you’ve got bigger fish to fry.  Ideally, we’ll be able to avoid the roadblocks.  If we don’t then we’ll have human, cop eyes looking at you.  Not easily manipulated digital ones.

The mask will temporarily alter your skin enough that you will look like the man in the ID. On top of that, the material it’s made from alters the way the light reflects off your face, so that you look even less like the real you.  Don’t worry, it’ll wear off in no time”

“Great, thanks” he said dryly.  “Okay, I’ll put it on.  Aren’t you worried that someone outside will see what I’m doing?”

“Good question.  Don’t worry, the windows are special,” was Uwi’s response. “Oh, put on the jacket first and don’t forget to take off your moustache and wig”


Hoping that this would be as simple as Uwi said it would, he followed her instructions and removed the mask from the small box.  Slowly placing it on his face, he felt the cool, soft, polymer-like material move as if alive. It was the last thing he remembered before being submerged in darkness.  He wokeup 10 minutes later.

“Wha.., what happened to me?” Isaac asked groggily.

“We gave you a makeover. Now even your mother wouldn’t recognize you”

“Shit, what sort of makeover knocks the made over out?” he asked.

“One that keeps you safe….


Picking up the smart ID, he looked at the image and she wasn’t joking.  His own mother wouldn’t know it was him. 

They had somehow changed his complexion quite a bit.  What was even more striking was that the skin manipulation had changed all of his major facial features.  His forehead, nose, eyebrows, lips, jaw and even neck looked different!

“Wow!! This is amazing” he thought.  Even his hands had changed.  “You guys never cease to amaze me.  I’m impressed.